Matcha Strawberry Tart (No Oven, No Mixer) Before serving, fill the tart shells with the pastry cream. Arrange the berries decoratively on top of the cream. You could use cream alone, but yoghurt gives the tart a lighter, fresher flavour - don't be tempted to use a reduced-fat variety, though, because that will make it sour and watery.

Bahan Membuat Matcha Strawberry Tart (No Oven, No Mixer)

  1. Bahan cookie crust:.
  2. 32 buah / 330 gr oreo, pisahkan krimnya, hancurkan hingga halus.
  3. 110 gr butter, lelehkan.
  4. Bahan matcha filling:.
  5. 320 gr white chocolate, cincang kasar.
  6. 200 ml krim kental (saya pakai merk Elle Vire).
  7. 10 gr matcha powder.
  8. Bahan garnish:.
  9. Secukupnya strawberry segar.
  10. Secukupnya kacang (chopped) sangrai.
  11. Secukupnya matcha powder.

Langkah Memasak Matcha Strawberry Tart (No Oven, No Mixer)

  1. Cookie crust: campurkan oreo yang sudah dihaluskan dengan butter leleh. Tuangkan ke cetakan pie, ratakan dan tekan tekan hingga menutupi loyang. Dinginkan di dalam kulkas selama 30 menit..
  2. Matcha filling: panaskan krim kental hingga berbuih, jangan sampai mendidih. Tuangkan krim panas ke atas white chocolate. Diamkan satu menit, baru diaduk rata. Tambahkan matcha powder, aduk hingga rata. Tuangkan adonan keatas cookie crust. Ratakan. Dinginkan di kulkas hingga set..
  3. Garnish dengan strawberry dan chopped nuts. Taburi matcha powder. Selalu simpan tart di kulkas karena filling bersifat lembut di suhu ruang..
  4. Selamat menikmati! 💕.

The buttery and crunchy coconut tart pairs perfectly well with the earthy matcha flavour. Garnish with fresh strawberries and shredded coconuts. These homemade strawberry pop-tarts are made with an easy, flaky, buttery pastry crust, filled with a candy-like fresh (homemade) strawberry jam, and I even got a disgruntled text message from my sister Nikki, who arrived home to find only one pop tart left, telling me that pop tarts were supposed to. A classic strawberry tart filled with luxe crème pâtissière makes a stunning pud. Line the tart with nonstick baking paper and baking beans.

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