Red velvet cake is a classic American dessert, but it's becoming more and more popular outside of the US, and for a good reason - it's so festive Although cake flour is usually used for classic red velvet recipes to make it light, I wanted to stick to all-purpose flour in my recipe, so that everyone can make it. This recipe produces the best red velvet cake with superior buttery, vanilla, and cocoa flavors, as well as a delicious tang from buttermilk. My trick is to whip the egg whites, which guarantees a smooth velvet crumb.
Bahan Membuat Red velvet cake tart
- 4 butir Telur.
- 200 Gram gula.
- 1 sdt SP.
- 1/2 sdt baking powder.
- 200 gram tepung terigu.
- 1 sdt coklat bubuk.
- 2 sdm munjung mentega (lelehkan).
- Pewarna makanan merah cabe+merah tua.
- Bahan whipp cream :.
- 250 gram mentega putih.
- 2 sachet skm.
- Lapisan :.
- Selai blueberry.
- Topping :.
- Berbagai cookies seperti oreo,twister,goodtime.
Langkah Memasak Red velvet cake tart
- Mixer telur+gula+SP+baking powder hingga putih berjejak.
- Ayak tepung+coklat bubuk masukan ke adonan telur yg telah mengembang, di mixer kembali hingga rata. Masukan pewarnanya, saya campur karna lebih bagus hasilnya saat merah cabe dan merah tua di campur..
- Masukan mentega leleh ke adonan. Aduk dengan spatula hingga rata, pastikan tidak ada yg tertinggal di dasar wadah.
- Panggang di oven 150 derajat selama -+ 35 menit. Tes tusuk untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangannya.
- Setelah matang boleh di hias sesuai selera. Saya belah menjadi 3 lapis, setiap lapis saya beri selai blueberry dan whipp cream..
- Untuk whipp cream paling atas saya campurkan dengan selai supaya ada warna.
The best quote about the allure of red velvet cake comes from Southern food writer Angie Mosier, who said, "It's the Dolly Parton of cakes — a little bit tacky, but you love her." Red Velvet Cupcakes are so striking with their brilliantly red color that is topped with lovely swirls of cream cheese frosting. Red Velvet Cake is my weakness and I can't think of a better cake to eat on Valentine's Day. Topped with low fat cream cheese frosting you wouldn't even know these are Thank you 🙂 The Cake Tart. I am going to try making this as a Cake this weekend. This is BEST Red Velvet Cake recipe EVER is the recipe my mom used.
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