This is the most delicious white chocolate mascarpone tart with an Oreo crust. Aaand it's no-bake, so you have fewer chances to mess it up!.tart pan (mine has a removable bottom for easy removal of the finished tart) and press onto the Then stir until dissolved. Pour chocolate filling over oreo crust, and decorate with some chopped oreo.
Bahan Membuat Oreo tart
- Bahan kulit pie:.
- 10 sdm tepung terigu.
- 5 sdm margarin (blueband).
- 1 butir telur.
- Bahan fla:.
- 5 sdm susu kental manis.
- 5-7 sdm air matang.
- 2 butir telur.
- 2 sdm maizena.
- 5 keping oreo.
Langkah Memasak Oreo tart
- Campur bahan kulit pie di dalam wadah, aduk dan uleni sampai kalis.
- Cetak diatas teflon, tusuk tusuk dg garpu.
- Campur bahan fla kecuali oreo.
- Setelah tercampur rata, saring adonan fla kemudian tuang diatas kulit pie yang siap dimasak.
- Masak dg api kecil dan tutup teflon, tunggu sekitar 5 menit sambil hancurkan oreo dalam mangkuk.
- Setelah 5 menit, tuang oreo yg sudah hancur ke atas adonan fla, bisa diaduk perlahan supaya rata.
- Tunggu sekitar 10mnt sampai benar2 matang.
- Sajikan dan oreo tart siap dinikmati:)).
This no-bake oreo tart is a huge hit amongst kids & adults equally. This a no-bake tart so you can easily prepare it before hand if in case you are having guests coming over. You can easily store in the. Place the tart shells in the freezer to set while making the mousse. You can also place them in the I think chocolate mousse may be my new favorite pie and tart filling.
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