Oreo Chunk Cookie Pie tastes like a delicious, warm, Oreo chunk cookie baked into a buttery crisp pie crust that's half pie and half fresh baked cookie! Oreo Chunk Cookie Pie is one of my favorite dessert recipes I ever created from scratch as an adult. Most people love experimenting with add-ins.
Bahan Membuat Choco oreo pie (no baked)
- 150 gram oreo.
- 50 gram potongan oreo.
- 75 gram mentega cair.
- 200 gram dark cooking chocolate.
- 75 gram krim kental (35% fat content).
Langkah Memasak Choco oreo pie (no baked)
- Masukan oreo kedalam blender dan hancurkan sampai halus.
- Masukan mentega cair kedalam oreo yang telah diblender, lalu campurkan hingga rata.
- Setelah tercampur, masukan adonan oreo kedalam cetakan, bentuk dan tekan2 sesuai cetakan.
- Setelah kulit pie dicetak, masukan kedalam kulkas dan tunggu selama 20 menit.
- Selama menunggu kulit pie, siapkan dark cooking chocolate dan krim kental, lelehkan di dalam microwave.
- Setelah 40detik didalam microwave, aduk campuran isi pie hingga mengental.
- Setelah tercampur, tuang isi pie ke atas kulit pie.
- Lalu hias pie dengan potongan oreo dan simpan dalam kulkas selama 4 jam atau semalaman.
You don't have to bake this crust, but you certainly can if your recipe calls for it! You'll refer to this easy, no-bake Oreo pie crust again & again. Oreo cookies are great for making pie crusts. Those chocolate wafers are not very sweet and pack a lot of chocolate flavor into every bite. For most chocolate pie crusts, the wafer cookies are used by themselves, blended with butter and baked until the crust is set.
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