Crispy prawn with sweet sour sauce ala bunda Jk This quick and tasty sauce is sweet and sour as well as a little spicy. It's perfect on a crisp-skinned, moist pan-fried fish. Grace Parisi's version is light as well as a little spicy, which allows the fresh, briny flavor of the crispy fish to come through.

Bahan Membuat Crispy prawn with sweet sour sauce ala bunda Jk

  1. 500 gr udang kupas ukuran sedang besar.
  2. 250 gr tepung bumbu (sy pakai kobe kentucky super crispy).
  3. 200ml sweet sour sauce sekitar (sy pakai merk my taste).
  4. 1 sachet gula diabetasol.
  5. secukupnya garam.
  6. 1 sdt merica bubuk.
  7. 1 sdt bawang putih bubuk.
  8. 1 buah bawang bombay cincang.
  9. 2 siung bawang putih iris.
  10. 1 sdm maizena, larutkan dg sedikit air.

Langkah Memasak Crispy prawn with sweet sour sauce ala bunda Jk

  1. Tepung bumbu yg 100gr dilarutkan dg air, tambahkan sedikit garam, merica bubuk, bawang putih bubuk, dan rendam udang dlmnya sekitar 30mnt.
  2. Siapkan tepung bumbu kering, udang yg direndam bumbu guling2 di tepung bumbu kering, balik celup lg ke yang basah, lapisi lg yg kering lalu goreng dg minyak panas yg merendam seluruh permukaan udang tapi api kecil sampai matang kecoklatan.
  3. Saus : tumis bawang bombay sampai wangi, masukkan sweet sour sauce, beri tambahan gula garam secukupnya (kl sdh sesuai selera ya ga usah tambah lagi gula garam), lalu kentalkan dg maizena cair, tuang ke atas udang goreng crispy nya.
  4. Ini tepung bumbunya.
  5. Ini bahan inti saus nya.
  6. Ini hasilnya 😘.

Remove from the heat & drain. Serve while the prawns still warm with the sweet & sour sauce. Sweet and sour pork doesn't need an introduction. It's an internationally famous dish and most cultures have a different spin on it, which I think is absolutely fantastic! Koreans have Tangsuyuk, Japanese have Subuta, the Caribbeans also have their version as well - and I'm sure there are plenty more.

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