You can cook almost everything with rice cooker. The rice cooker delivers perfect rice every time, no matter what kind of rice you're cooking. Because the rice cooker environment is sealed, it reduces the air pressure over the liquid so it boils.
Bahan Membuat Mie rice cooker
- 1 bungkus mie instan (aku limau kuit).
- 3 buah tahu.
- 15 buah baso Aci (resep liat di postingan sebelumnya).
- 1 bonggol sawi daging.
- 3 buah cabe rawit.
- Air untuk merebus.
- 1 Sdm Minyak goreng.
Langkah Memasak Mie rice cooker
- Menyiapkan bahan.
- Rebus air dalam rice cooker tambahkan 1 Sdm minyak, tunggu hingga kurang lebih 10 menit sampai mendidih.
- Setelah mendidih masukkan baso Aci, tutup rice cooker selama 5 menit,.
- Masukkan tahu, cabe rawit serta mie, tutup sebentar.
- Kembalikan tombol, buka masukkan sawi. Matikan rice cooker, diamkan 3 menit sambil diaduk2. Masukkan bumbu siap dihidangkan.
Mie Goreng (or Mee Goreng) is an Indonesian noodle dish that's also found in Malaysia and other parts of South East Asia. While most people use a rice cooker to cook, well, rice, it can actually cook many other things, like steamed veggies. Rice cookers are popular souvenirs from Japan, but most of manufactures sell overseas models made to meet the requirements of each country. CCHAN Cooking Cocok banget buat anak kos! Bikin tiga resep mie ini hanya dengan menggunakan rice cooker.
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