Gyudon ala yoshinoya Gyudon is the ubiquitous Japanese beef rice bowl, found all over Japan (and the rest of world). At places like Yoshinoya you can buy a bowl of gyudon in Japan for as little as two dollars. This Yoshinoya-style Gyudon (牛丼, literally beef bowl) with thinly sliced beef and What is Gyudon.

Bahan Membuat Gyudon ala yoshinoya

  1. 500 gr daging yg diiris tipis banget (sukiyaki).
  2. 2 buah bawang bombay ukuran kecil atau sesuai selera.
  3. 4 siung bawang putih cincang.
  4. 3 cm jahe iris tipis.
  5. 1 sdm bubuk dashi (boleh diskip).
  6. 400 ml air.
  7. 200 ml cocacola.
  8. 5 sdm kecap asin.
  9. 1 sdm minyak wijen.
  10. 2-3 sdm Gula pasir.

Langkah Memasak Gyudon ala yoshinoya

  1. Siapkan air dan soda masak hingga mulai mendidih (api kecil aja).
  2. Masukan daging dan bawang bombay, tutup sampai mendidih.
  3. Masukan sisa bumbu, tes rasa tambahkan apa yg kurang..
  4. Jangan lupa paling pas kalau dikasih taburan bubuk cabe..
  5. Kesukaan saya sewaku di jepang adalah pakai telur mentah tapi nasi harus super panas dan gyudonnya jg harus panas banget. Yuummmm.

There aren't many rice bowls that are as simple and delicious as Gyudon. Make the best Gyudon - yes, better than Yoshinoya! Note: Beef sliced specifically for gyudon can be found in the freezer section of most supermarkets, or at specialty Korean/Japanese groceries. Yoshinoya (吉野家) is the largest chain among gyūdon restaurants. It is often shortened to "yoshi gyū" (meaning Yoshinoya's beef) among its enthusiasts.

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