Beef teriyaki ala yoshinoya Make delicious Yoshinoya Beef Bowl at home! Enjoy the savory and juicy sliced beef over steamed rice with this quick and easy recipe. Thanks to Yoshinoya (吉野家), the largest beef bowl restaurant chain, Japanese gyudon became known as "beef bowl" and enjoyed by many people all around the.

Bahan Membuat Beef teriyaki ala yoshinoya

  1. 250 gram daging sapi iris tipis (idealnya adalah sirloin tipis.. krn ga ada jd pake daging tumis diiris tipis).
  2. 1 siung bawang bombay iris memanjang.
  3. 1 siung bawang merah iris tipis.
  4. 1 siung bawang putih iris tipis.
  5. 150 ml cocacola.
  6. 5 sdm kecap asin.
  7. 1 sdm minyak wijen.

Langkah Memasak Beef teriyaki ala yoshinoya

  1. Siapkan bahan2.
  2. Didihkan cocacola dalam api kecil, masukkan bawang yg telah diiris, kecap asin dan minyak wijen.
  3. Tunggu sampai bawang bombay layu.. (jangan khawatir dgn bawang bombay yg banyak karena itu sebagai penyedap rasa).. masukkan daging.. tunggu sampai matang.. hidangkan.. bisa ditambahkan irisan cabe rawit jiga suka pedas.
  4. Catatan : setelah dikeluarkan dari chiller...daging diblansir dulu.. didihkan air panas.... masukkan daging dalam air mendidih selama 5 detik.. angkat..buang air dan kotoran...

Gyudon is a simple Japanese meal of beef simmered in soy sauce and served on rice at chains like Yoshinoya. At places like Yoshinoya you can buy a bowl of gyudon in Japan for as little as two dollars, but made at home this recipe is cheap to make and nearly foolproof. This Yoshinoya is located on Colorado Boulevard just east of Hill Street, across from Pasadena City College. The parking lot is very small and is hard to Nevertheless, the typical Yoshinoya quality is at this restaurant as the beef and teriyaki chicken was good, although it did seem like they were a little. Today I am sharing this Easy Beef Teriyaki!

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