Gyudon beef bowl Garnish each bowl with a poached egg (if using). Home » Recipes » Beef » Gyudon (Japanese Beef & Rice Bowls). Gyudon is basically a dish of thinly sliced fatty beef, cooked in a slightly sweet mixture of mirin and soy sauce and served over rice.

Bahan Membuat Gyudon beef bowl

  1. 250 gr daging has dalam iris tipis.
  2. 150 ml coca cola (pengganti sake).
  3. 3 sdm shoyu (kecap asin).
  4. 1 sdm minyak wijen.
  5. 3 buah bawang putih (parut).
  6. 2 cm jahe merah (parut).
  7. 1 sdt gula pasir.
  8. 1 sdt kaldu jamur.
  9. Daun bawang.

Langkah Memasak Gyudon beef bowl

  1. Siapkan bahan2...
  2. Rebus coca cola,minyak wijen dan shoyu hingga mendidih.
  3. Setelah mendidih masukkan parutan jahe dan bawang putih.. Aduk rata sampai tercium wangi bawang putih dan jahe.
  4. Masukan daun bawang dan irisan cabe.. Tambahkan gula pasir.
  5. Aduk rata lalu tutup panci.. Tunggu selama 20-30 menit sampai daging empuk dan air menyusut.
  6. Taburkan daun bawang sebagai garnish...

In Japan, gyudon is sometimes served with a raw egg yolk or onsen tamago (poached egg) in the center of the meat and onion mixture. There aren't many rice bowls that are as simple and delicious as Gyudon. Make the best Gyudon - yes, better than Yoshinoya! Gyudon (����, gyūdon, beef bowl) is a popular domburi dish consisting of beef and onion served over a bowl of rice. The meat and onion are cooked in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, sugar and sake.

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