Popcorn caramel g pake ribet This Caramel Popcorn is out of this world! It is shockingly easy, made with a handful of pantry ingredients and doesn't even require a candy thermometer! It's crunchy, deeply caramelized, and you have the option of adding nuts or drizzles of chocolate.

Bahan Membuat Popcorn caramel g pake ribet

  1. Segenggam jagung.
  2. 1 sdm : butter/ margarin.
  3. 1 sdm : gula aren iris.
  4. Sejumput garam.
  5. 1 sdm : minyak goreng.

Langkah Memasak Popcorn caramel g pake ribet

  1. Masukkan minyak goreng dan tuang jagung. Tutup panci n masak sampai jagung meletup n ngembang menjadi popcorn. Pakai api kompor kecil y..
  2. Sisihkan popcorn yg sudah jadi. Kemudian siapkan panci/wajan lain dan beri butter dan gula merah. Biarkan masak sampai berbusa dan mendidih.aduk.
  3. Jika sudah mendidih masukkan popcornnya dan aduk aduk rata dengan api super kecil. Aduk terus sampai popcorn dan caramelnya merata lalu beri sejumput garam dan aduk terus. Jadi deh..

Handcrafted in old-fashioned copper kettles one batch at a time, this popcorn is a crunchy and buttery caramel delight. This is a classic popcorn flavor. This product combines the sweetness and aroma of caramel, and the crispness of popcorn. This is a classic snack that has been tested in the United States for centuries, and the most nostalgic taste that makes you remember a good memory! This sweet and salty caramel popcorn recipe (AKA caramel corn) is simple to make and impossible to stop eating.

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