Caramel bread popcorn Try caramel bread popcorn and enjoy. A quick and easy snack for your kids. caramel corn variations + tips. This caramel corn is meant to be a little more on the crisp side, but if you want your caramel popcorn to be more chewy, boil your caramel sauce for.

Bahan Membuat Caramel bread popcorn

  1. Roti 3 lembar potong dadu.
  2. Gula.
  3. Air.
  4. Susu kental manis.
  5. Jeruk nipis.
  6. Keju dan messes untuk topping.
  7. Margarin.
  8. sedikit Air.

Langkah Memasak Caramel bread popcorn

  1. Panggang roti sampai kering dan kecoklatan. sangrai tanpa minyak dan margarin.
  2. Simpan roti, lalu buat caramel. Panaskan wajan. Masukkan gula dan air, beri perasan jeruk nipis (opsional, karena aku suka ada asem2nya) Tunggu sampai gula larut dan sedikit menguning. Lalu, beri margarin dan SKM sedikit..
  3. Lalu masukkan roti yang sudah dipanggang tadi, aduk rata..
  4. Tambahkan topping, aku tambah lagi susu kental manis ternyata jd terlalu manis wkwkw..
  5. Balik lagi deh nonton k-drama wkwk.

I hope you guys This recipe is KILLER you guys. I've made traditional Caramel Corn before, and while delicious, it involves. Make your own Caramel Popcorn without the use of high fructose corn syrup. In an effort to enjoy the classic taste of caramel corn without the corn syrup we decided to make it at home. The popcorn caramel mixer machine uses far-infrared heating, heating more evenly; pneumatic lift device, the material.

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