Easy Homemade Caramel Popcorn has just the right crunch and chewiness that you want, without sticking to your teeth. It's everything you hope for in the perfect caramel popcorn recipe! With a thin, crispy, even coating of caramel on every piece, this caramel corn stays crispy for weeks.
Bahan Membuat Popcorn caramel
- 2 gengam kecil jagung pipil kering.
- 2 sdm butter atau mentega.
- Bahan caramel :.
- 1 sdm butter/mentega.
- 3 sdm gula merah / gula aren.
- 3 sdm gula halus.
- 1 sdm skm.
- 1/4 sdt garam.
Langkah Memasak Popcorn caramel
- Panaskan butter diwajan yg besar lalu masukan jagung dan tutup wajan, sambil di goyangin popcorn nya sesekali biar gak gosong bila dirasa tidak ada letupan lagi berarti semua jagung sudah menjadi popcorn lalu masukan dlm mangkok besar. Sisihkan.
- Bahan caramel : panas kan butter sampai meleleh masukan gula merah, gula halus, skm dan garam aduk rata sampai berubah menjadi caramel dan meletup letup pakai api kecil jika sudah menjadi karamel masukan kedlm wadah berisi popcorn aduk cepat...
- Popcorn siap di hidangkan.
At Craft restaurant in Manhattan, where I work as the pastry chef, I like to send out a small bowl of caramel popcorn as a parting gift to. Salted caramel popcorn, sprinkled with sea salt while still hot from the oven, is an easy gourmet Make the popcorn. Make a batch of this sweet and buttery caramel popcorn to share with friends. Freshly made caramel popcorn is practically impossible to resist. This recipe makes ridiculously good caramel popcorn.
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